I’ll be the first person to admit that I value intelligence amongst other people that I associate with before how they look or dress. I don’t think that being smart is anything to be ashamed of, and being called a nerd on a regular basis doesn’t bug me one bit. Brains before beauty, people.
What I can’t seem to understand is why society seems to place all of these Hollywood stars and starlets up on special little pedestals when they haven’t got enough brains, nor common sense, to function like a normal human being. True, not every single person in the entertainment business is a total moron. Quite a few of them are actually very intelligent and do a lot of good for the world. However, when you turn on the news or go to the homepage for MSN.com, what always seems to be there? Something about some moron who got caught smoking dope or doing something else idiotic. You know, all those people who can't seem to stay out of trouble for more than a month at a time.
Is this what our society truly values? Are these men and women the types that mothers want their children to look up to as role models? Do we all want the teenager girls of this generation to grow up to be clones of Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan? Are we all supposed to be tanned to the point of looking like we’re covered in the powered cheese from a Mac n’ Cheese box? Why is it that someone who walks around with their perfect clothes and perfect hair and one-dimensional personality gets more recognition than something else that’s more important?
Are we really all so shallow that beauty comes before brains in this day and age? Really? This country is obsessed with the idea of celebrity, for crying out loud!
To be fair, I realize that not everyone thinks this way. I know a lot of people who hate all those Hollywood types because of how they are. I, along with those people, look up to folks with skills and smarts instead of a size four waist or a car that's worth more than my house. Still, it's rare to see someone who’s doing so much good for this world getting a ten minute slot on the news broadcasts like Lindsay Lohan does whenever she gets her coke-head self tossed back into rehab. It’s sad, really, to think that this country is more interested in hearing about her drug usage than about the three teenagers who killed themselves in the past month alone after being bullied at school over their sexualities (yes, this really happened: http://www.aolnews.com/surge-desk/article/seth-walsh-dies-after-suicide-attempt-another-teen-bullied-over-perceived-sexuality/19653569).
It just shows how the minds of the general public work, I guess. We want to hear all of the dirty little secrets of the actors and personalities that we like instead of the serious issues going on in society. It's easier for people to handle hearing LiLo going to jail for drugs for the umpteenth time than to hear about stories like the teens mentioned above.
I really do think that this needs to change. I think the media needs to stop presenting us with these images that these "stars" are what we need to center our attention around. There are more serious issues out there to take notice of than what the stars are eating for lunch today, who's getting a divorce from who, and where they bought their newest pair of jeans at.
All I know is that people would be a lot better off if they spent less time reading rubbish like this
and more time doing something productive.