Hedwig’s Theme - John Williams
How do I even begin to describe how much I adore this song? It’s the theme for my entire childhood, starting from the first time I saw a Harry Potter film up to this moment in time. Every time I hear the first five notes of the song I instantly recognize it, and it never fails to cheer me up. At the same time it makes me feel a little nostalgic and sad, because this is my childhood embodied within a song. That childhood is rapidly coming to a close with both my departure from high school and the last Harry Potter film being released this summer. So this will always be number one for me, if for no other reason than it reminds me of what a great childhood I really had.
Carry On My Wayward Son - Kansas
Probably one of the most inspirational songs that I know of to date. I mean, come on, just listen to the lyrics:
Carry on my wayward son
There'll be peace when you are done
Lay your weary head to rest
Don't you cry no more
This song is basically a reminder that things in life are going to get tough. It isn’t going to be easy or even happy at all times. But you can’t throw in the towel and accept that everything sucks. You’ve got to keep your chin up and push on. Bad times aren’t everlasting.
There is another reason why this is my number two song. It’s the unofficial theme song for my favorite show of all time, Supernatural. Every single diehard lover of the show never fails to get ridiculously excited and sing along with this song when it comes on the radio or their iPod. It just keeps my hope alive that someday I'll find a guy who drives a '67 Chevy Impala and wears plaid button-down shirts. For this reason I have included a picture of the Winchester brothers from the show because they are fine and my blog needs something nice on it, hahaha.

I’m Not Okay (I Promise) - My Chemical Romance
The song that got me through the toughest time period of my life. I’m not going into detail about it because there are things that have happened in my past which I’m not proud of. posting them on a blog where my classmates can read them doesn’t seem like a good idea. All you need to know is that this song really helped me during a time when I didn’t think anything else could. Having the number three spot on my list should tell you just how important this song is to me.
Stupid Girls - P!nk
Say hello to everything that I aspire to be personified within a song. The entire thing is about girls being who they want to be instead of dumbing themselves down and going along with what society says an attractive girl should be. I’ve never felt like I fit in, even from a very young age. It used to bother me a little bit, and I could have very easily just gone along with the crowd and become one of these “stupid girls”. Thank god I didn’t, because I love being my own person with my own agenda. If that means I never have a big group of friends or I never have guys all over me, then that’s perfectly fine with me. As the song goes:
I’m so glad that I’ll never fit in
That will never be me
Outcasts and girls with ambition
That’s what I wanna see
James Bond Theme Song
Who doesn’t like James Bond movies? Seriously, you have problems if you dislike James Bond. The movies are classic. Bond is a B.A.M.F. if I say so myself. The reason I have the theme song on this list is not because of my undying love for all things related to covert operatives though. When I was growing up, every year around Christmas time Spike TV would run a James Bond movie marathon. Every single year I would sit down with my dad and we would watch the Bond films together. It didn’t matter that we knew how every single one was going to end, or that we knew who the evil guy was or which Bond Girl was going to wind up dead. That quality time with my father is something that’s very special to me, and I always think about it whenever I hear the Bond song.
Non, je ne regrette rien - Edith Piaf
Let me just start by saying that I don’t speak French. Well, I can speak a few words but Je ne sais pas isn’t going to get me very far in conversation with a French person, hah. However, the general message of this song is why it’s on this list. Non, je ne regretted rien means “No, I’m not sorry for anything”, and it talks about essentially having no regrets for anything you’ve done in life, good or bad, because tomorrow is a new day. I think that’s something that a lot of people could benefit from instead of worrying over every single thing that they do.
And you know, the song was also in Inception, and that movie was just bad ass. It’s easily in the top five best films I’ve ever seen. Your argument otherwise is invalid.
O Fortuna - Carmina Burana
So technically this was a poem before Carl Orff put it in to song form, but we can look over that detail. Yet again I have another song in a language, Latin this time, so you’ll have to look up the lyrics to know what it’s saying. It’s all about how things such as luck (or Fortuna, the Roman goddess and personification of luck) and fate control our lives and not always in ways that we desire. To listen to this song being performed is just astounding. It always gives me chills to hear it. This was probably one of the first orchestra style songs I ever heard that really caught my attention and made me realize just how awesome classical music is.
Bye, Bye, Bye - N’sync
This was my jam when I was seven years old, hands down. I lived and breathed N’sync right along with every other girl in the second grade. I remember that was some sort of messed up rivalry between the kind who liked N’sync and the kids who liked The Backstreet Boys. We were all insane when it came to this music. My best friend Shannon and I used to dance around at her house for hours just listening to this song, along with the rest of the album. Now that I’m older I just laugh at the thought of me going absolutely out of my head over this band. Still, this song is associated with many fond memories from my earlier days, and I’ll always cherish it.
Enter Sandman - Metallica
Say hello to the first song from the 80s that I have conscious memory of hearing. My dad introduced me to all of his music, which was thankfully what I took after rather than my mother’s taste in country. I remember sitting on the tailgate of our truck and listening to this on tape while my dad looked around in our garage for his fishing tackle. I really blame this song for my taste in music now, but I can’t say I’m complaining too much. This opened up a door to an entire decade of amazing music that it seems like a lot of people have forgotten about.
Bad Romance - Lady Gaga
I will be the first person to tell you that I think high school relationships where the couple think they’re absolutely in love and are going to be together for the rest of their lives are a bunch of crap. Maybe that’s just me being bitter because the only relationship I’ve had drove me absolutely crazy in all of the wrong ways and I’ve refused to date since then. But really, I see kids my age who act like they need to be these perfect beings to impress the person they’re dating or the person that they want to date.
Dude, seriously? You’re in high school! Stop acting like you’re going to be alone forever if that guy or that girl doesn’t think you’re the greatest thing they’ve ever seen. There’s no reason for you to try and turn yourself into something that you aren’t just to impress someone.
In the song, Gaga says:
I want your ugly
I want your disease
I want your everything
As long as it’s free
Personally I take those lyrics to heart. That’s the kind of relationship that I’m waiting for; one where I’m going to be accepted for me. Not some façade of myself that I put out there for people to see. You should be accepted for you, including all of your faults and all of the bad things that you think no one else wants. I don’t want one of these perfect romances because those are lies. There’s no such thing as a perfect relationship. I’d rather have a Bad Romance.